Active Fire Services

Our Range of Active Fire Services Includes:

Fire Alarm System Installation:

We offer professional fire alarm system installations tailored to your business needs. Our team of experienced technicians will implement a customised solution, considering the layout and specific requirements of your premises, to ensure early detection and rapid response in the event of a fire.

Green Fire Logo

Regular Maintenance and Inspections:

As your business evolves and grows, it's essential to keep your fire alarm system up to date. We provide system upgrades and expansion services to enhance the effectiveness and coverage of your existing fire alarm system. Our experts will assess your needs and recommend the appropriate enhancements to meet current safety standards.

Green Fire Logo
Green Fire Logo

System Repairs and Troubleshooting:

Should your fire alarm system experience any malfunctions or issues, our skilled technicians are available to provide prompt repairs and troubleshooting. We prioritize minimising downtime and ensuring that your system operates at its full capacity to maintain the safety of your premises.

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Emergency Lighting

fire truck garage ready action
Fire alarm on red wall
fire truck garage ready action
Emergency lighting sign

Our Other Services.